Monday, September 17


mondays are always very long, but there doesn't seem to be time to do this post will be short.

right now i'm hunting for a post-graduation job, so i've been running around taking part in the recruiting process for banks and consulting firms, many of which have positions in asia (part of my reason for taking this class.) also, i think i have to get out of the states for a while, heh.

anyway, hopefully i can type certain things in kana for next time.

ja, see you in class!


Unknown said...

I hope you will be genki in Japanese class.... Have you ever heard of the word, genki? It means spirit or energy.

umeboshi said...

hai, wakarimashita. it's a great word...hopefully, i'll be more genki soon. ganbarimasu!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!